When Does Zoro Get Enma? [Explained]


In this article, I am going to explain When Does Zoro Get Enma? Imagine a weapon so potent, so charged with history and raw might, that it saps your very life force with every swing. A blade that belonged to a legend, whispered of in hushed tones, it’s legacy both glorious and tragic. Now, picture this weapon in the hands of not just any warrior, but the man who swore to conquer the Seven Seas with his blades alone: Roronoa Zoro, the green-haired swordsman of the Straw Hat Pirates. This is the story of Enma, the cursed yet indomitable sword that became Zoro’s unlikely partner in the fiery crucible of the Wano Country Arc.

Zoro, known for his unwavering spirit and insatiable hunger for battle, has always sought blades that could match his boundless ambition. Yet, no weapon he’s wielded before compares to Enma. This isn’t just a tool of war; it’s a living piece of history, forged from the very essence of Kozuki Oden, a daimyo of Wano renowned for his strength and defiance. It’s a sword that craves Haki, Zoro’s own life force channeled into its deadly edge. To wield Enma is to dance on a razor’s edge, a test of not just skill, but sheer willpower.

But why would Zoro, already a master swordsman with three blades strapped to his side, willingly take on such a burden? The answer lies in the heart of the Wano Arc, a land steeped in oppression and yearning for freedom. Here, Enma isn’t just a weapon; it’s a symbol of hope, a torch passed from the fallen Oden to the next generation of warriors. In Zoro’s hands, Enma becomes a promise, a vow to break the chains of tyranny and carve a path toward Wano’s liberation.

So, join us as we delve into the saga of Zoro and Enma. We’ll explore the sword’s tempestuous history, its unique powers and perils, and the grueling path Zoro walks to tame its fury. We’ll witness the sparks fly as Zoro clashes against Kaido’s monstrous forces, Enma screaming in his grip, a testament to the unyielding spirit that binds them together. Prepare to be dazzled by breathtaking swordsmanship, captivated by the rich tapestry of Wano’s lore, and ultimately, inspired by the unwavering determination of a swordsman who dares to dance with death itself. Are you ready to unleash the fury of Enma?

When Does Zoro Get Enma?

Zoro, the moss-haired swordsman of the Straw Hat Pirates, has always craved blades worthy of his ambition. Each one he wields whispers tales of battles past, testaments to his relentless pursuit of strength. Yet, none compare to the whirlwind he embraces in the Wano Country Arc – Enma, the cursed yet indomitable sword of Kozuki Oden.

The saga of Zoro and Enma begins in episode 954 of One Piece, a pivotal moment etched in both anime and manga (chapter 953). Amidst the fiery crucible of Wano’s uprising, Zoro stands before Hiyori, Oden’s daughter, burdened by the responsibility of returning Shusui, a treasured blade entrusted to him. In an unexpected turn, Hiyori offers a trade: Enma, in exchange for Shusui’s return to Wano’s soil. This is no ordinary exchange; it’s a test of Zoro’s spirit, a gamble on whether he can handle a weapon that both empowers and drains the very life force of its wielder.

But to understand the gravity of this moment, we must first rewind to Enma’s origins. Forged from the same steel as Ame no Habakiri, another of Oden’s blades, Enma is more than just metal. It’s a physical manifestation of Oden’s immense Haki, imbued with the spirit of a man who defied even Kaido, the monstrous Beast Pirate Emperor. This spirit, however, carries a double-edged blade. Enma possesses a insatiable hunger for Haki, constantly draining it from its wielder. To master Enma is not just to control a weapon; it’s to wrestle with a living entity, demanding an iron will and an unwavering connection to one’s own Haki reserves.

This is the challenge Zoro faces head-on. He accepts Enma not out of naivety, but because he recognizes its potential. This isn’t just a power boost; it’s a weapon forged in the fires of Wano’s struggle, a symbol of its people’s defiance against tyranny. In Zoro’s hands, Enma becomes more than a blade; it becomes a banner of hope, a promise to honor Oden’s legacy and carve a path to Wano’s liberation.

Enma’s History and Powers:

Enma, the name itself rings with an ominous whisper, promising both awe-inspiring power and a perilous dance with exhaustion. Forged from the very essence of Kozuki Oden, this katana is no mere weapon; it’s a piece of history, a physical embodiment of a legendary warrior’s spirit, and a force to be reckoned with in the hands of the right wielder.

To truly understand Enma, we must first rewind to its birth. Crafted from the same steel as Ame no Habakiri, Oden’s other legendary blade, Enma carries the mark of its master’s immense Haki. This isn’t just a sharp edge; it’s a conduit, channeling the raw power of Oden’s will into every swing. But this power comes at a cost. Like a bottomless well, Enma possesses an insatiable thirst for Haki, constantly draining it from its wielder. A weak hand would be crushed by this monstrous appetite, their life force sucked dry with each clash.

But fear not, dear reader, for this is where Zoro steps in. His spirit, forged in countless battles and fueled by an unyielding ambition, resonates with Enma’s fury. He recognizes the immense potential within this cursed blade, not just as a tool of war, but as a key to unlocking his own Haki’s true potential. Enma’s hunger becomes a training ground, forcing Zoro to hone his Haki reserves, pushing him to the very edge and beyond. Each swing becomes a test of will, a battle against not just an opponent, but the blade itself.

However, Enma’s power isn’t solely measured by its Haki-draining abilities. It possesses another, arguably more devastating, secret: the ability to bypass Kaido’s near-impenetrable skin. Kaido, the monstrous Beast Emperor, is notorious for his durability, a walking fortress impervious to most blades. Yet, Enma, imbued with Oden’s own defiance, can slice through Kaido’s defenses, carving bloody wounds into the seemingly invincible. This dear reader, is the true promise of Enma – a weapon capable of tipping the scales against tyranny, a beacon of hope in the face of overwhelming odds.

Zoro’s Struggle and Mastery

Zoro's Struggle and Mastery

Claiming Enma was a declaration of intent, a bold gesture proclaiming Zoro’s willingness to dance with a fire-breathing dragon. But wielding it? That was a battle fought not just on the battlefield, but within the very furnace of Zoro’s own spirit. Mastering Enma’s fury wasn’t a feat of raw strength; it was a grueling odyssey of trial and error, forged in sweat, pain, and near-death experiences.

The initial clash was brutal. Enma, true to its nature, drained Zoro’s Haki with every swing, leaving him gasping for breath, limbs heavy as lead. His signature three-sword style, once effortless, became a symphony of struggle, each movement demanding an excruciating sacrifice of his life force. The blade, as if alive, seemed to rebel against his control, testing the limits of his willpower and mocking his ambition.

Zoro, however, is not the kind to buckle under pressure. He understood that brute force wouldn’t conquer this beast. Instead, he embraced the struggle, treating Enma as a harsh trainer, pushing him to hone his Haki to an unprecedented level. He meditated, pushing his spirit into the deepest reserves of his being, drawing out Haki like water from a hidden wellspring. He trained tirelessly, his blades flashing in the moonlight, honing his control over every strand of Haki that coursed through him.

Slowly, ever so slowly, a rhythm emerged. Zoro began to predict Enma’s hunger, anticipating its demands and adapting his movements accordingly. He learned to channel his Haki more efficiently, each swing no longer a desperate gasp, but a calculated expenditure of power. The tremors in his arms subsided, replaced by a controlled precision. His spirit, tempered in the fires of Enma’s fury, emerged stronger, more indomitable than ever before.

But the dance with Enma wasn’t just about Haki control. It was about forging a connection, a symbiosis between blade and wielder. Zoro started to understand Enma’s language, the subtle whispers of its power, the surge of anticipation before it devoured his Haki. He learned to respect its power, not as a burden, but as a partner, a force that could amplify his own to terrifying heights.

By the time Zoro faced Kaido again, Enma was no longer a rebellious beast, but an extension of his own will. Each swing carried the combined might of two warriors, Zoro’s indomitable spirit fueled by Enma’s ancient fury. The blade, once a bane, had become a blessing, a weapon capable of carving hope into the heart of Wano’s despair.

Enma’s Significance in the Wano Arc

Enma's Significance in the Wano Arc

In the crucible of the Wano Country Arc, where flames of rebellion lick the sky and whispers of oppression hang heavy in the air, Enma transcends mere steel. It becomes a symbol of defiance, a beacon of hope forged in the fires of tyranny, and a weapon entrusted to Zoro, the Straw Hat’s indomitable swordsman. But Enma’s significance reaches far beyond its impact on Zoro; it becomes a cornerstone of the entire arc’s narrative tapestry, weaving its fury into the fight for Wano’s liberation.

Firstly, Enma serves as a tangible link to Kozuki Oden, the fallen hero who dared to challenge Kaido’s iron fist. Its very presence signifies the unbroken spirit of Wano’s people, a reminder that the embers of rebellion still glow, waiting to be rekindled. When Zoro wields Enma, he doesn’t just claim a powerful blade; he becomes a vessel for Oden’s legacy, a warrior carrying the hopes and dreams of a nation on his shoulders. Every clash with Kaido’s forces whispers of Oden’s defiance, every wound carved by Enma a testament to the enduring spirit of Wano.

Furthermore, Enma’s unique ability to bypass Kaido’s near-impenetrable skin proves instrumental in the fight against tyranny. While other blades bounce off the Beast Emperor’s monstrous hide, Enma’s fury carves through, proving that even Kaido’s seemingly invincible power has its chinks. This opens a door for other Straw Hats and Wano allies, empowering them to strike and chip away at Kaido’s dominance. Enma becomes a rallying point, demonstrating that even in the face of overwhelming odds, victory is within reach, the tide of despair turning ever so slightly.

Lastly, Enma serves as a catalyst for Zoro’s own growth as a swordsman. The challenges of mastering its Haki-draining fury push him to his limits, forcing him to refine his skills and deepen his connection to his own internal power. Each successful swing against Enma’s demands is a victory, a testament to Zoro’s unwavering spirit and relentless pursuit of becoming the world’s greatest swordsman. The struggles and triumphs with Enma mold Zoro into a more formidable warrior, prepared to face any challenge that lies ahead.

Enma’s significance in the Wano Arc extends far beyond its physical attributes. It embodies the spirit of rebellion, fuels the fires of hope, and serves as a catalyst for both Zoro’s personal growth and the collective fight against tyranny. In the upcoming sections, we’ll delve deeper into the future of Enma and Zoro’s bond, exploring the possibilities it unlocks and the impact it may have on his journey towards the ultimate swordsman’s title.


As the dust settles in Wano’s smoldering landscape, the legend of Enma and Zoro’s extraordinary bond reverberates like the clang of clashing steel. We’ve witnessed the birth of this partnership, forged in the furnace of fate and fueled by the unyielding spirit of both warrior and blade. We’ve explored Enma’s history, a legacy etched in both metal and defiance, and marveled at its unique powers that turn the tide of battle and ignite the embers of hope within Wano’s oppressed people.

Most importantly, we’ve embarked on Zoro’s grueling journey of mastering Enma’s fury, a testament to his indomitable spirit and unwavering hunger for power. This wasn’t just about wielding a weapon; it was about forging a connection, a symbiosis between man and blade that unlocked potential within both.

But the saga of Enma and Zoro is far from over. Unanswered questions linger, promising a future rife with thrilling possibilities. Will Enma unlock the secrets of Advanced Haki, forever altering Zoro’s path as a swordsman? Will it remain a symbol of Wano’s liberation, inspiring the people to cast off the yoke of tyranny? And how will it shape Zoro’s ultimate quest to claim the title of the world’s greatest swordsman?

This is more than just an anime arc; it’s an invitation to delve deeper, to ponder the mysteries that lie ahead. So, dear reader, let the spirit of Enma ignite your own curiosity. Join the discussion, speculate on the possibilities, and remember: like Zoro, every journey of mastery begins with a single step, a choice to embrace the challenge and dance with the storm within. For within the crucible of passion and perseverance, even the fiercest blades can be tamed, and legends are forged one swing at a time.

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